Something I find very interesting is the number of women I see who come in and say that they are constantly irritable or that they are so wound up particularly in the week before their period. It is a thing! A really big issue for women as it's hormonally based and can ruin marriages, relationships, jobs and cause a lot of stress in families.
What you may not know is that there are ways to treat it. This is a recognized emotional pattern that can be treated and helped with herbal medicine! In TCM it's called Liver Qi Stagnation. In the Western Herbal traditions, we call it PMS or hormonal irritability. Yes you can get help for anger and frustration when they are taking over your emotional state.
Treating the nervous system and particularly the liver will help immensely. I love herbs like Schizandra, Milk Thistle and Bupleurum and Peony formulas for this. Have a look at this questionnaire and see if you can relate.
Scores indicate level of Liver Qi Stagnation as follows: 4-16 Moderate 18-32 Significant 34+ Severe
I feel stuck emotionally
I have trouble making decisions
I cannot visualize a strategy for my life
I feel emotionally depressed often
I am short tempered with those around me often
I have extreme rage and emotional outbursts
I become annoyed in the wind
I am not dealing well with everyday stresses
I have been presented with extreme emotional stresses recently
I feel nervous all of the time
I sigh often
I often take short shallow breaths unrelated to lung disease
I have dry eyes
My eyes tear excessively often
The whites of my eyes are red or bloodshot much of the time
My eyes often burn or feel itchy often unrelated to pollen or dust
I have poor night vision or night blindness
I have poor night vision or night blindness
I have glaucoma
I wake up at 3 AM often
The whites of my eyes often look yellow
My joints feel stiff and inflexible
I have osteo-arthritis
My joints have become disfigured from arthritis
I have rheumatoid arthritis
I have bouts of gout
I experience dull headache pain regularly
I rarely sleep well throughout a whole night.
My ribs feel distended esp. on right side.
I have chronic migraines.
I have Acne on face and back.
I have high blood pressure.
I have chronic hepatitis.
My nails have ridges.
I have cirrhosis of the liver.
I frequently experience nose bleeds.
My tongue is red on the sides.
I have IBS or alternating diarrhoea & constipation.
Just below my rib cage is tender to the touch or light pressure.
If you're suffering with this, please reach out as we can get you started on some herbs to make all the difference. And it's not just women, it can be stressed out men and I even use herbs form teenage hormonal shifts that present with a lot of anger.