What is Naturopathy?
Naturopaths study all about the body and how it functions much as a Doctor would. We believe that for the most part, while pharmaceuticals may help with symptoms they do not heal the underlying cause.
Herbal medicines can work very quickly or can take a while to have an impact as healing from some conditions takes time such as when you are addressing a hormonal imbalance.
Naturopathy has five main aspects:
Herbal medicine it has so much to offer.
There are herbs for the immune system, herbs for the different phases of liver detoxification, herbs for ridding the body of viruses, herbs that are antibacterial, herbs for the adrenals, herbs for calming the nervous system, herbs to modulate hormones. The list is endless. Herbal medicine has been largely suppressed and ignored by the pharmaceutical industry who just don’t want you to know the value of it. Why? Because they can’t own and patent herbs. It is the peoples medicine. Much as we have seen the uncovering of the values of Cannabis oil which was banned and ignored and suppressed and has now come to light, there are thousands of herbal medicines which can heal the body. I am an expert in herbal medicine.
Nutrition choosing the correct diet and choosing the right nutrients to supplement to support healing from a health condition.
Diet you are what you eat! I can choose the right diet for you
or even help you to identify food allergens and sensitivities through testing.
Treating the individual rather than mass prescribing.
Looking for the underlying causes of persons health jig-saw. I look at you and your health condition through the filter of my Naturopathic knowledge and through the eyes of Traditional Chinese Medicine to help me establish the best ways to resolve your health condition.
Looking for the cause of disease
For example:​​​​​
The gut - Dysbiosis causing inflammation and leaky gut resulting in chronic pain, chronic fatigue and poor memory and concentration.
Immune reactivity such as IgG food sensitivities or IgE allergies causing symptoms,
Hormonal imbalances such as those that drive PMS or Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease,
Adrenal Fatigue causing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Poor liver function and toxicity causing chemical sensitivity and illness.
Weak immune system causing fatigue and recurrent infections
Biochemical issues such as MTHFR gene mutations that need support