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Functional Pathology Testing

These are types of pathology tests that are above and beyond what your doctor would normally provide. They look at the actual "function" of an organ or system.


Some examples are:

Salivary Hormone Tests

The female hormone profile includes both saliva and dried blood spot testing which tells us the levels of active hormones at specific dates in your cycle. It can reveal if you have too high or too low Oestrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone and importantly the ratios of these hormones to each other. Another very important hormone assessment for women is their levels of the different forms of oestrogen, some are good for us and some are bad. This is an important area of disease prevention. 

SYMPTOMS that may suggest we do this type of test: 

Hot flushes, Weight Gain, Night Sweats, Depression, Brain Fog, Fatigue, Mood Changes, Bone Loss, Vaginal Dryness, Insomnia, Anxiety, Irregular periods.          


Adrenal Hormone Profile

Adrenal fatigue is one of the most under diagnosed illnesses in western society. It has been estimated that up to 80% of adults suffer with some degree of adrenal fatigue. This type of testing allows me to understand what level of Adrenal health of fatigue you have. If your Adrenals are not functioning you may have problems with fatigue, allergies, controlling inflammation, sleep, anxiety, depression and menopause. 


Complete Digestive Stool Analysis

This test provides us with a wide range of information about your gut such as what good flora are growing and which are low or absent? What bad bugs are growing in your gut? What is the pH of your gut? Are you producing enough of the right acids and enzymes for your gut to be healthy? Do you have parasites? Do you have inflammation in your gut? It will even tell us if you are chewing your food properly! It can really open the door to a greater understanding of what is going on for you. If your gut is not healthy, you will not be healthy.


MTHFR Gene Testing

It is now recognised that up to 50% of the population have a major defect in this gene which can have a major impact on your health if it is activated. Assessing your MTHFR status along with some other types of test can really help me understand why you are unwell. MTHFR regulates METHYLATION. If you can't methylate, you can't fight cancer, you can't stop inflammation, you can't repair your DNA properly, you can't repair your myelin sheath that covers your nerves. It's a huge new area of individual assessment and treatment.


Allergy Testing

I can test a range of food and environmental allergens to work out what a person is reacting to. I test both IgE reactions and IgG reactions in the one test so that we can cover all bases.

Symptoms caused by allergies can be very far reaching and include anything from headaches and migraines to skin conditions, rashes, nasal congestion and digestive upsets. 


BioScreen Fecal Microbial Analysis

This stool test cultures out what bacteria make up your gut flora. It tells us all the different good guys and bad guys and how much of each there is. It can be really helpful in making decisions about treatment and uncovering the cause of a persons poor health. For example if you have really low levels of E-coli you may suffer from constipation and mental fatigue. If you have really high levels of acid producing bacteria in your gut you will probably suffer from inflammatory health conditions or even chronic fatigue syndrome. 


Illustrated Mint

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